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Jofre Theatre Romero house Ideal Room hotel 82 Magdalena Munduate house Vázquez house Antituberculosis Dispensary Soup Kitchen Rodríguez Fernández house 53 Concepción Arenal Pereira house La Merced chapel Jofre building Antón house Casteleiro house The Fish Market Grandal house Correo Gallego building Suizo Hotel Fonda Suiza The Former Bank of Coruña Rodríguez Trigo house Casino Ferrolano Brañas house
In Plaza Callao, we turn into Pardo Baixo street:
VÁZQUEZ HOUSE ( 25 Pardo Baixo)
Designed by Rodolfo Ucha Piñeiro between 1913 and 1914.
Worth noting is the addition of the second and third floors, together with the façade´s new galleries and the renovation of the existing bay windows in an Art Nouveau style, all of which totally transformed the building´s original character. The geometric motifs now play an important role by connecting the different floors and forming single glazed units.