We continue our route to our next stop along the same street, which is called Cantón de Molíns here, to FORGE BUILDING.
After a recent and extensive renovation, the old arsenal forge still conserves the historic structure of its floor plan, and the roof and chimneys have been recreated.
The floor plan is in an L shape with two courtyards and a large monumental staircase, surrounded by workshops on the perimeters which are supported on interior pillars and load-bearing walls.
This construction was initially designed by Sánchez Bort (1765), but in 1781 it was rebuilt by Solinís with an additional upper floor ,which was also made with masonry, and brickwork vaulted ceilings.
Since 2007 it has housed the Exponav Foundation and holds what could be considered the best museum in the world dedicated to naval shipbuilding. Here we can discover some of the most important works carried out in the shipyards in the estuary, from the early days of navigation to gigantic oil tankers. Design pieces, mock-ups, scale models, engines, panels, videos and machines offer us a global view from early times up to the present.